About Catriona

Hello there, beautiful soul!

Thank you for stopping by. My name is Catriona, and telling powerful healing stories is my vocation.

When I “accidentally” stumbled into the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh in 2018, little did I know the far-reaching consequences this was going to have. All I felt was this overpowering feeling of “I am home”.

I had been working as an independent singer/songwriter and theatre trainer since 2011, and now I felt as though all the various strands my life had consisted of until then were coming together to form one, much more simple yet much more powerful whole.

And now, 5 years later, all I can say is – what a ride!

Storytelling in its original form (not the commercialized type for advertising purposes!) is my passion, touches me deeply and drives me passionately. Stories have healing powers, stories provide orientation and the offer solace and inspiration. And every story carries its very own “medicine” for the listener.
As they say in Scotland, the home of my soul:

Stories are told eye to eye,mind to mind, and heart to heart.

Scottish Travellers’ Proverb

Over time, my storytelling has become a combination of tales and songs, using my own music. My work as a healer has also become entwined with my skills as a storyteller.
There have been many steps along the way, such as my training in theatre and education, my diving into the contents of Naturopath training, my training as a Dragon Dreaming Facilitator, to running workshops combining deep ecology with theatre, leading to a education as a motherdrum therapist. The latter has led to my getting to know Healing Crystals and Smudging Substances on a deeper level. I now use these two in combination with storytelling, creating powerful spaces of healing.

It is my deepest passion and vocation, to help restore the balance between masculine and feminine energies on our beautiful planet. And through my storytelling, I am becoming more and more of an ambassador of the Divine Feminine.

I tell stories live and online for miscellaneous audiences from kids to adults. I teach storytelling for those so inclined and I create tailor-made stories for my clients. I also form part of an international collaboration with the wonderful Scottish storyteller and artist Kirsten Miliken. Together, we are the Hedge Sisters, and we tell stories of women, feminine beings and Goddesses, mainly online. The podcast „What of the ground we’re standing on?“ which I am creating together with storyteller and educator Cara Silversmith is also dear to my heart.

I am looking forward to meeting you – either at one of my events, at an online telling or through some of my audio creations.

Blessed be.

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