I would not be able to do the work I do, had I not been guided, assisted and taught by so many beautiful, powerful and inspiring mentors and teachers.
I feel deeply grateful for everything I have been privileged to learn with the help of the hard, loving and brilliant work of human beings who have been on this planet longer than I have (and those who have already moved on).

If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.
Sir Isaac Newton

Some of my most important travel companions (in presence, online and in literature) are among others: Cornelia Moore, John Croft, Sitaasa, Astrid Brinck, Chris Dejean, M. Scott Peck, Byron Katie, Joana Macy, Julia Cameron, Marianne Williamson, Rhonda Byrne, Robin Sharma, Kyle Cease, Daniel Allison and Deepak Chopra, Kyle Cease, Gerhard Schöne, aswell as Astrid Lindgren and Erich Kästner.
May you all long remain a source of inspiration, comfort, healing and deep wisdom.
My greatest gratitude belongs to the highest power, Spirit, Mother Gaia in all her and his shape and form. What a miraculuous gift this life is, which you have given me.